Interconnections Worldwide

Working internationally to share information, help build knowledge and support teamwork around babies, children and young people who are disabled, marginalised or vulnerable

The home of Team Around the Child (TAC) and the Multiagency Keyworker


Can you offer a 6 months internship in early childhood intervention – UK or Ireland?

Laura Wendt writes: I am a student of 'Transdisciplinary early childhood intervention' at the MSB Medical School Berlin, Germany. During my study I have to absolve an internship of approximately 6 months duration. My aim is to absolve this internship in the United Kingdom or Ireland.

The main focus of my course of study is predominantly on pedagogical aspects. In addition it includes more specific topics, such as medical basics, diagnostics and methods used in early childhood intervention. It is centred especially on children of the age from around 0-6 with developmental disorders, developmental irregularities or disabilities - both physical and mental and their social surroundings.

I think that the approach of the Team Around the Child is a very interesting way to work with the families and fits perfectly with the methods that I learn in my course of study. I am very interested in the work with children with special needs and disabilities, their families and their other socials surroundings.

I am hoping now to learn of institutions where I can apply for an internship.

Laura Wendt

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