Interconnections Worldwide

Working internationally to share information, help build knowledge and support teamwork around babies, children and young people who are disabled, marginalised or vulnerable

The home of Team Around the Child (TAC) and the Multiagency Keyworker


What are the best ways to support adults on the autism spectrum who want to work? Useful tips and strategies for everyone from Autism Society, US

autsoc80Employment involves more than just earning money to survive. Employment is also about contributing to society. Employment is how a person senses his or her dignity.

Self-Regulation: A Cornerstone Skill
Self-regulation is a cornerstone skill that is often overlooked. An individual who overreacts at work is in danger of being fired. Clients of any age can use a 5-Point Scale to modulate the "amount" of an emotion and match themselves to socially appropriate responses – directly increasing adaptive behavior. Scales can be tailored to the individual's cognitive level with words, pictures, colors or symbols.

Anger at Work
The sample scale uses colors and text, but it could use images and numbers. Scales can include specific instructions such as "Reece will call his job coach." Does your client have difficulty handling criticism? Struggle when supplies are low? Have a meltdown if the vending machine is out of corn chips? Put it on the scale!

Clients can also use scales to communicate without relying on nonverbal communication signals such as facial expressions. Your client may be terrified, yet may not "look" scared or "act" frightened. If the individual can point to a Level 5 on a Scared Scale, you can adjust your approach accordingly with better results for both of you.

Much more here:

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