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Working internationally to share information, help build knowledge and support teamwork around babies, children and young people who are disabled, marginalised or vulnerable

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How your school can start to implement the SEND reforms

OnlineTraining_Logo_LargeThe new SEND legislation came into effect from 1 September, and OnLineTraining Ltd has developed a free online course that can help you raise awareness of the reforms.

The Course

Aimed at raising the awareness of head teachers, SEN governors, SENCos, teachers and teaching assistants, the course includes a self-assessment element that enables participants to assess how well they are responding to the new legislation, and develop their own action plan.

Participants can work through the course individually at their own pace, in school or at home, or in combination with group or whole-school development sessions. The course is compatible with iPads and other tablets, which makes it even more accessible.

The Local Offer

The new SEND Code of Practice states that the Local Offer must include information about how the local authority will deliver relevant professional development opportunities for all staff at three levels:

  • awareness (to give a basic awareness of a particular type of SEN, appropriate for all staff who will come into contact with a child or young person with that type of SEN)
  • enhanced (how to adapt teaching and learning to meet a particular type of SEN, for early years practitioners, class and subject teachers/lecturers and teaching assistants working directly with the child or young person on a regular basis), and
  • specialist (in-depth training about a particular type of SEN, for staff who will be advising and supporting those with enhanced-level skills and knowledge)

OnLineTraining Ltd

You may be aware of our outstanding record of providing cost-effective professional development in SEN and disability to local authorities and individual schools who subscribe to our growing number of licenced online courses. OnLineTraining has already been recognised in Ofsted reports, and signposted in Local Offers.

To access the course, go to and follow the link to the SEND Code of Practice Course.

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