Interconnections Worldwide

Working internationally to share information, help build knowledge and support teamwork around babies, children and young people who are disabled, marginalised or vulnerable

The home of Team Around the Child (TAC) and the Multiagency Keyworker


Being a Dad after separation

Give yourself time: It might take a little while to get used to having a one-on-one relationship with your kids, especially if you haven't been their main carer in the past. Go easy on yourself if things don't always go the way you plan.

Be reassuring and open: Children can be frightened by the strong emotions that go along with separation. They need to hear that both parents love them and that the separation isn't their fault. Try to explain what is happening in terms they can understand. For example, 'Mum and I won't be living together, but we both love you and want to see you whenever we can.'

Read more about tackling tough topics with children.

Read more about Being a Dad after separation:

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