TAC Bulletin – Issue Number 339 – November 2024

From Interconnections

The home of Team Around the Child (TAC) and the Multiagency Keyworker

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News Items: 

The long hard struggle for effective integrated child and family support for all who want it. Are we winning or losing?

The Case for Early, Time-Sensitive Speech, Language, and Communication Interventions for Young Children with Down Syndrome or Other Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities

What is the significance of Brics+ for your country?

As time went on though, they talked more about his level of suffering, his quality of life

EU Guidance on Independent Living: Let’s turn words to practice

Message from Birthrights - UK

Functioning profile and related impairments of children and adolescents with cerebral palsy - PartiCipa Brazil preliminary results

Does family quality of life get better as the years go by? A comparative mixed-methods study between early years and school-aged children with disability in Australia

Looking beyond Body Structure and Function: ICF Foci and Who Is Being Assessed in Research about Adolescents and Young Adults with Cerebral Palsy—A Scoping Review

Reconceptualizing Family-Centered Partnerships in Parent-Implemented Interventions

Vax-Unvax: Let the Science Speak. Book by R F Kennedy Jr and Brian Hooker PhD


Editor: Peter Limbrick  -   About this TAC Bulletin

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Views expressed in TAC Bulletin are not necessarily shared by Interconnections

Peter Limbrick, Editor, Interconnections, UK

E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

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