TAC Bulletin – Issue Number 276 – November 2020



Art might not cure disease, but it helps make life worth living


Positive environments for early child and family support. Part 7: An ideal approach to early child and family support and including the role of paediatricians

A Model of Hospitality and Story Sharing in Zambia by Martha J. Ritter

“Disappointing” Government response to Petitions Committee report on COVID-19 impact on new parents - UK

The Cutter story. A cautionary tale about vaccine production

The value of gene modifying therapy by RNA editing

Birth defects surveillance: atlas of selected congenital anomalies - WHO

Interbeing: The 14 Mindfulness Trainings of Engaged Buddhism


Editor Peter Limbrick  -   About this TAC Bulletin

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Cartoon for Issue 276:

atree300Cartoons are copyright Martina Jirankova-Limbrick 2020 and cannot be used elsewhere without prior permission.

Peter Limbrick, Editor, Interconnections, UK.

Tel/fax: (+44) 01497 831550

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