TAC Bulletin Update – Issue Number 273 – Mid-September 2020

distance80Editorial: Science, leadership, wrong thinking, harmful vaccines and doubtful statistics in a pandemic. Two doctors and a video


Fostering Diversity and Inclusion in Young Children. Article by By Fawzia Reza

Multi professional working: how the efficacy of integrated teams is impacted by, and how team dynamics impacts upon, individual professional experiences. Can you help with this research?

Positive environments for early child and family support. Part 5: Early child and family support is often wrongly treated as a health issue

Incivility: Do you experience this? Are you sometimes uncivil? What impact does it have?

6th IASSIDD Europe Congress Value Diversity – call for papers


Editor Peter Limbrick  -   About this TAC Bulletin

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Cartoon Issue 273

distance300Cartoons are copyright Martina Jirankova-Limbrick 2020 and cannot be used elsewhere without prior permission.

Peter Limbrick, Editor, Interconnections, UK.

Tel/fax: (+44) 01497 831550

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Web: www.tacinterconnections.com                                       

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