Assessment, diagnosis, and management of developmental coordination disorder

Developmental Coordination Disorder (DCD) is a common neurodevelopmental disorder that impacts fine and gross motor skills

The disorder significantly affects early development that often leads to life-long issues in functioning and health, making it vital to diagnose DCD as early as possible. A survey of 152 pediatricians in the Canadian Paediatric Society showed that participants reported having little knowledge of DCD diagnostic criteria, and 86% of them are unaware of the international guidelines for DCD.

This practice point contains practical information on DCD to support pediatricians in defining, diagnosing, and managing uncomplicated DCD cases. It also includes tables about diagnostic criteria and assessment, physical and neurological exams for DCD, and common differential diagnoses for DCD.

Authors: Ip A, Mickelson ECR, Zwicker JG, Canadian Paediatric Society, Developmental Paediatrics Section. Paediatr Child Health, 26(6), 375-378. doi: 10.1093/pch/pxab047.