‘Small projects at a snail’s pace - small for whom?’ An article from Norway

By stepping back, and taking time to tell and retell the story, the small projects turn bigger and the snail’s pace becomes an oasis in which to step back and take a break

From Ena Caterina Heimdahl:

The Norwegian Ministry of Education, 2018, writes that “Inclusion of all children is one of the most important goals of kindergartens. Kindergartens shall ensure that children receiving special education support are included in the children’s group and general educational service.”

‘Small projects at a snail’s pace-small for whom?’ is a chapter in the Anthology: Togetherness in Play and Learning-Special Needs Education in mainstream Settings.

In this, Ena and Helene describe an approach to building inclusive communities where children with profound learning disabilities at a presymbolic level of communication and functioning are part of the group of children. They underscore the importance of reflective practice grounded in the everyday life experiences of the parents and professionals around the child.  Dilemmas for professionals, children’s natural wish to care and play and the importance of the adults building bridges are highlighted.

I hope the article is of interest for you in your work. Please feel free to share.

Go to: https://www.statped.no/globalassets/fou/togetherness-in-play-and-learning-special-needs-education-in-mainstream-settings/small-projects-at-a-snails-pace--small-for-whom.pdf