Open letter to UK’s Children’s Commissioners about the potential health dangers to children from smartphone and wi-fi radiation

Dear Chris Quinn in N. Ireland, Nicola Killean in Scotland, Rachel de Souza in England and Rocio Cifuentes in Wales,

Re: Health dangers to foetuses, babies and children from smartphone, laptop and tablet radiation

I hope you are well and happy. I have posted you four letters since August of this year to ask you to explore the independent international research that suggest there are potential dangers to children from the electromagnetic radiation these modern gadgets use. I have sent you links to research papers and invitations to an online meeting and a UK conference on the issue (some details below*).

Thirty years ago most people believed radiation was to be avoided and would try to guard their children from it. Somehow we have all been persuaded otherwise since then. I have not asked you to accept my view on this issue but to explore it yourselves, come to your own conclusions and then perhaps publish them. If I do eventually achieve some sort of constructive dialogue with you I would want to impress on you two things:

  1. As a matter of course, parents, headteachers and others would try to safeguard children when there is some hint of any danger. They do not wait for proof. This is the sensible precautionary principle. There is enough reputable international ‘noise’ now about the potential health dangers from radiation for Children’s Commissioners to start working with children and families to raise awareness of risks from the gadgets they are using every day at home and at school.
  1. Children’s Commissioners have told me during recent years that they regularly consult children to find out what their concerns are and then shape their work accordingly. They have told me that children have not raised concern about this radiation. Could this be because children and families are kept in ignorance of it? Most of what they learn about the gadgets is from the tec companies and their expensive and extensive one-sided promotions.

I do hope that before long you will take my appeal seriously and devote time to exploring all sides of the issue. I look forward to reporting progress in this appeal in a future open letter.

Yours sincerely,

Peter Limbrick, Principal, Interconnections

* Why electrohypersensitivity (EHS) is a biologically expected reaction to harmful radiation

* UK Conference: Wireless Radiation: the Elephant in the Classroom