Useful Links

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ACT A UK organisation working to improve care and services for all children in the UK with life-threatening or terminal conditions and their families.
Active 8  A Cornish charity for young people with disabilities.
British Academy of Childhood Disability (BACD) An organisation for professionals working in the field of childhood disability.
British Institute for Brain Injured Children (BIBIC)   An organisation offering suport and adive to children with brain injuries and their families.
British Institute of Learning Disabilities (BILD) A not for profit organisation with charitable status, which exists to improve the quality of life of all people with a learning disability.
Capability Scotland One of Scotland's leading disability organisation. They provide a range of flexible services which support disabled people of all ages in their everyday lives.
Carers UK Seeks to improve recognition and support for carers, through informing and creating dialogue with policy makers and professionals working with carers.
Care Co-Ordination Network UK (CCNUK) An umbrella organisation promoting and supporting care co-ordination or key working for disabled children and their families in England, Northern Ireland, Scotland and Wales.
Centre for Disability Studies CDS is an interdisciplinary centre for teaching and research in the field of disability studies at the University of Leeds (England).
The Centre for Parent and Child Support "Our aim is to enable service providers to work in partnership with children and their families, to develop promotional and preventative strategies, and to provide families with holistic care, that takes account of their psychological and social well-being."
Centre for Policy Studies One of Britain’s best known and most respected think tanks. It exists to promote coherent and practical public policy, to roll back the state, reform public services, support communities, and challenge threats to Britain’s independence.
The Centre for Studies on Inclusive Education  An independent centre working in the UK and overseas to promote inclusion and end segregation.
Cerebra Cerebra works to ensure that up-to-date, evidence-based knowledge is available and applied for the prevention of brain damage and for proven treatments.
The Children's Trust A national charity working with children who have multiple disabilities and complex health needs.
The Child Bereavement Trust This trust leads the way in improving the care offered by professionals to grieving families in the immediate crisis and in the many months following the death of someone important in their lives.
Children's Rights Director This website is for children and young people living in children's homes, family centres, foster care, boarding schools, residential special schools, or FE colleges.
The Choice Forum This is the biggest, liveliest online discussion forum on issues in the lives of people with learning disabilities in the UK.
Choices Choices is an independent registered charity that aims to equip families of kids with arthritis with research based information about how to live with arthritis.
Contact a Family A UK-wide charity providing advice, information and support to the parents of all disabled children - no matter what their health condition.
Conductive Education  Teaches children and adults with physical disabilities such as cerebral palsy, dyspraxia, multiple sclerosis, Parkinson’s, stroke and head injury how to overcome their movement problems to lead more independent, dignified and fulfilled lives.
Daycare Trust A national childcare charity. They have been working since 1980 to promote high quality affordable childcare for all.
The Department for Education and Skills The department was established with the purpose of creating opportunity, releasing potential and achieving excellence for all.
The Department of Health The aim of the Department of Health (DH) is to improve the health and wellbeing of people in England.
The Department of Health (NSF) This site is intended to keep you up to date on the development of the Children's National Service Framework.
The Department for Work and Pensions (DWP) The Department for Work and Pensions is here to promote opportunity and independence for all through modern, customer-focused services.
Disabled Living The Disabled Living Equipment Centre has thousands of products on display all designed with disabled and older people in mind.
Dyslexia International - Tools and Technologies (DITT) Aims to bring full awareness of the problems associated with specific learning difficulties/dyslexia into the education systems, and to improve remedial help by making effective assessment and training available to all.
Early Childhood a website from the Early Childhood Unit (ECU) at the National Children's Bureau in England. This site contains capsules of information on specific topics within early years care and education.
The Foundation for People with Learning Disabilities "We promote the rights, quality of life and opportunities of people with learning disabilities and their families."
Handsel Trust  Promotes effective support in the UK for all children with disabilities and special needs and their families.
HM Treasury The Treasury is responsible for formulating and implementing the UK Government's financial and economic policy
Home Education Advisory Service (HEAS) A national home education charity based in the United Kingdom. It is dedicated to the provision of advice and practical support for families who wish to educate their children at home in preference to sending them to school.
I Can A charity that helps children with communication disabilities.
Inclusive Solutions Experienced educational psychologists who specialise in mainstream inclusion.
Info 4 Local Provides local authorities with quick and easy access to information from more than 65 government departments, agencies and public bodies.
Integrating Community Equipment Services (ICES) A Department of Health funded initiative across health and social care to develop community equipment services in England, remove unnecessary barriers for users and modernise services.
Jessica Kingsley Publishers Independent publishers of accessible professional and academic books in the social and behavioural sciences.
Joseph Rowntree Foundation The Joseph Rowntree Foundation is one of the largest independent social policy research and development charities in the UK.
KIDS KIDS help disabled children to get the most out of life. They work closely with parents and carers to give children and young people all the support they need today to fulfil their hopes and dreams tomorrow.
Macintyre Charity MacIntyre is a national charity that provides learning, support and care for more than 700 children and adults with learning disabilities, at more than 120 MacIntyre services across the UK.
Making Contact

"As a project of Contact a Family, Making complements our existing services and gives you the chance to safely and easily get in touch with others who are affected by the same or similar disabilities and medical conditions as you are."

Mencap A learning disability charity working with people with a learning disability and their families and carers.
The National Autistic Society (NAS) The National Autistic Society exists to champion the rights and interests of all people with autism and to ensure that they and their families receive quality services appropriate to their needs
The National Childminding Association (NCMA) The National Childminding Association (NCMA) is the only national charity and membership organisation that speaks on behalf of registered childminders in England and Wales.
National Children's Bureau (NCB) NCB promotes the voices, interests and well-being of all children and young people across every aspect of their lives.
Norah Fry Research Centre The Centre was established in 1988 as part of the University of Bristol's Department of Mental Health. Its principal interests are the evaluation and development of services for people with learning difficulties.
Office for Standards in Education (Ofsted) Ofsted is the inspectorate for children and learners in England.
Paradigm a consultancy and development agency with a difference - formed by people with a wealth of real current experience in inclusion, health, social services, community care and organisational development.
Pavilion   Pavilion is a publisher and event organiser for professionals delivering public services, whether they work in the public, private or voluntary sectors.
Play Inspections Provides high quality service offerings to all sectors of the play industry.
Play Wales Play Wales/Chwarae Cymru is the national organisation for children's play in Wales; an independent charity funded by the Welsh Assembly Government.
Policy Press The Policy Press is a specialist publisher for social and public policy and related disciplines in the UK and is unique in being policy and practice-orientated as well as academically focused.
Postural Care Skills Programme They provide extensive, high quality education programmes in order that families and carers of any individual at risk of body shape distortion are not left with "a little knowledge".. It is provided by empowered Families and Personal Assistants in order to protect body shape, muscle tone and quality of life.
Qualifications and Curriculum Authority (QCA) QCA is committed to building a world-class education and training framework. They regulate, develop and modernise the curriculum, assessments, examinations and qualifications.
RADAR A national network of disability organisations and disabled people. They represent their members by fast-tracking opinions and concerns to policy-makers and legislators in Westminster and Whitehall, and launching campaigns to promote equality for all disabled people.
Relate  Offers advice, relationship counselling, sex therapy, workshops, mediation, consultations and support face-to-face, by phone and through this website.
Research in Practice The largest children and families research implementation project in England and Wales.
Rett Syndrome Association We are a national charity. We offer information, advice, practical help, friendship and support to people with Rett syndrome, their families and carers.
Royal College of Speech and Language Therapists The RCSLT represents speech and language therapists and support workers, promotes excellence in practice and influences health, education and social care policies.
Royal Society of Medecine The Royal Society of Medicine is an independent, apolitical organisation, founded 200 years ago. They are one of the largest providers of continuing medical education in the UK.
Royal Society for the Prevention of Accidents A registered charity established over 80 years ago and aims to campaign for change, influence opinion, contribute to debate, educate and inform - for the good of all.
Safeguarding Children This 2005 review has been led by the Commission for Social Care Inspection
Scope The disability organisation in England and Wales whose focus is people with cerebral palsy
Scope Early Years This section of Scope's website has been specially designed to provide help and information to families of young children with cerebral palsy and the professionals who work with them.
Sense A UK organisation for children or adults who are deafblind or have associated disabilities.
Shared Care Network Promoting family based short breaks for disabled children and young people.


For people who grow up with a brother or sister with special needs, disability, chronic illness.
Signalong SIGNALONG is a sign-supporting system based on British Sign Language designed to help children and adults with communication difficulties, mostly associated with learning disabilities.
Skills for Health Works with employers and other stakeholders of the Health Service to ensure that those working in the sector are equipped with the right skills to support the development and delivery of healthcare services
The Social Care Institute for Excellence SCIE's aim is to improve the experience of people who use social care by developing and promoting knowledge about good practice in the sector.
Special Kids in the UK This site is for families in the UK who have a child(ren) of any age with a special need.
Speechmark Speechmark is a specialist publisher of practical books, resources and ColorCards® for professionals working with the educational and therapeutic needs of people of all ages.
Social Care Online Social Care Online is the UK's most extensive database of social care information. With everything from research briefings, to reports, government documents, journal articles, and websites and you find it all with the click of a button.
TeacherNet TeacherNet has been developed by the Department for Education and Skills as a resource to support the education profession.
Teachers' TV

The website contains channel information, teaching resources, and full-length streaming video of all our TV channel programmes. There are currently 885 programmes available to download.

Triangle Services Triangle is an independent organisation providing training and consultancy throughout the UK, and outreach support for children and young people in Sussex.
Tuberous Sclerosis Association The UK charity that supports sufferers, promotes awareness, and seeks the causes and best possible management of Tuberous Sclerosis (TSC).
Well Child WellChild, the UK’s children’s health charity, has been working to improve children’s health for more than 25 years.
Wordworks Offers professional support services, training, research and a range of low-cost publications for voluntary and community organisations in the UK.

Young Carers 

An online resource for young carers.
Your Level Best Created by a wheelchair-user who likes to socialize by meeting friends and family in pubs or restaurants--so of course these places must be disabled-accessible. The toilets must be wheelchair-accessible, too. Venues listed here claim to meet these criteria

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