Two books about disability and inclusion in Africa

Jan Šiška has sent these items to TAC Bulletin:

Development for All: Experiences on Disability Mainstreaming in the Development Sector

Edited by Mari Koistinen. Disability Partnership Finland, 2017

The aim of this book is to give ideas and guidance for disability-inclusive work in practice. What does disability mainstreaming mean in our project? What can we do to make sure that persons with disabilities are not excluded? What kinds of tools are needed in the process?

The book demonstrates the real-life processes that have been chosen to increase meaningful participation of persons with disabilities in development projects and programmes in Africa. The intention is to illustrate the lessons learned and good practices for disability mainstreaming in different regions and thematic areas to inspire other actors in the sector.

Good Practice in the Implementation of Inclusive Education Resource Centers in Ethiopia

International practice shows that Inclusive Education Resource Centers play an important role in supporting learners, parents, teachers and schools. They also play a role in supporting surrounding communities in creating and maintaining inclusive learning environment.

Since such centres are a relatively new concept in Ethiopia, the authors’ aim is to share the good practices achieved and identified during implementation so far. The IERCs in the project have implemented these good practices in collaboration with public authorities, schools, NGOs, and other stakeholders working within the field of education to scale up these practices across the country.

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