Are you suffering symptoms of microwave sickness at home or at work without realising the cause?

symptomsMicrowaves from our mobile phones, wi-fi laptops, iPads, satnavs and other office and leisure gadgets pass through the whole of our body and brain while we are at home, at work and travelling. It is the same for babies, children and teenagers at home and in their nurseries, schools and colleges – and even foetuses in their wombs. 

It is not surprising that many people, after prolonged exposure (the international evidence shows us that the harmful effects of radiation are cumulative), develop various symptoms and illnesses that come under the heading of 'microwave syndrome' and not surprising either that these can include all aspects of body and brain function. 

A full account of the syndrome and its range of symptoms are given in 'The Microwave Syndrome'*.  I am listing below some of the symptoms to show how easy it is to suffer some symptoms without realising the cause. Symptoms include: 

Dizziness, sleep troubles, chronic fatigue syndrome, inability to think clearly, headaches, nausea, depression, dermatitis, eczema, cramps, legs without rest, nose bleeds, asthma, reduced fertility, stress – and cancer. 

Most of us would either ignore these symptoms until they become severe or attribute them to over work, age, or 'just one of those things'.  Sufferers are not helped by the refusal of most doctors to recognise the condition. Nor are we helped by the fact that this radiation is invisible, silent and odourless. If all these gadgets gave off orange fumes we would immediately treat them with suspicion! 

What helps? 

Once you start wondering if you, your family or colleagues are affected by microwave radiation, you can explore whether the symptoms are better or worse in various situations.

You can see what happens when you switch routers and other gadgets off (and put smart phones into flight mode). Before you go to bed, switch everything off in the house and see if you sleep differently. Do you have fewer or reduced symptoms at weekends or on holiday or on country walks? 

To help you in this, you can buy or rent a microwave monitor** that makes the radiation audible and measurable.  To help reduce your exposure to a minimum, you can replace wi-fi gadgets with a wired version, as I have. 

There is nothing very sophisticated or scientific in this approach; it is the same precautionary and safety-conscious approach you would apply to machinery at work, children on the beach, a school trip, and a family camping holiday. The difference is that while these dangers are apparent, the dangers from microwave radiation are invisible and not explained to us by the telecommunications industry or the government.  

Of course, all the symptoms I have listed above can have other causes. All I am offering here is a possible cause you might not have considered before. 

Peter Limbrick, July 2014 

– your microwave stories welcome. E-mail This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. 

* The Microwave Syndrome:

** A microwave monitor:

See also the Interconnections Appeal asking chief execs of children's charities to help protect children from microwave radiation:

and news of dangers to foetuses and young girls' ovaries from wi-fi radiation: